What is Chrome Canary? Should I use it?


Chrome Canary is an early release of the next Chrome Browser, it is designed to accompany development, and to mainly be used by developers. Google Themselves say that Chrome Canary "is not for the faint of heart" and "Be forewarned: it's designed for developers and early adopters, and can sometimes break down completely." However, they also say that it is full of the latest and the newest features.

Chances are, that if you are reading up on the newest web browsers, you are probably save enough to install and try Chrome Canary your self to find out if you like it or not, so you can try it and make up your own mind on it. But if you would like my opinion on it, keep reading.

What is it like to use a product in an early release form?

Early release products can be great, they have the latest features, they have new bells and whistles. When toying around these can be great, but on the down side, they can also be a hassle. If you are expecting the new bell to always work, or to always be there, then Chrome Canary is most likely not for you. They update it almost every day, and this can mean that those pretty bells can disappear Now, if you are using it to have the latest features, and are comfortable with it randomly breaking, then maybe it is a great option for you.

Personally, I have been using Google Chrome for a long time, and I love it, the thoughts of being on the front lines reporting bugs thrills me, and makes me want to help all I can. Also, I like bells, and I am okay with them not being there tomorrow.

This can apply for any beta release of a product, not just Chrome Canary.

Why does it exist?

That would have to be asked to the dev team of Google to get a proper answer, but on their site they say its for developers, so one can assume that its for developers, and people who want to experiment. They list one reason for someone to use it as new integration, so if you had software that worked with browsers, such as plugins, this would be great for you. I am using it to tell you all about it, and also to do some testing for Google.

What are the new features?

There are many small features under the hood. But one of the more obvious features is auto updating, and updating nearly every day. If they find, and fix an issue, they will push down a new updated version.

One thing I find interesting, is that it is more like Google Chrome was when it started, by that I mean that it is slimmed down, back in the day when I first started to use Chrome, it was the fastest web browser, because it was slimmer, and Canary is just that.


Chrome Canary is the latest easy to use and install internet browser from Google, it has new features, and it is faster. It will be more prone to crashing since its still in development, and it could have totally different features from one day to another.

Personally, if you are interested, want a new browser, want to see the cutting edge, and are okay with the risk of it crashing, use Canary. You can always have both installed to try them out together.

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