Retro Gaming Rig dream!

I have been slowly reaching the goal of having a Retro Gaming rig! What I am hoping for is to have late 80 tech that is still functional, or is modded to be modern. Today I used some old tech, to get older tech working on my rig. I turned an old ADB cable (basically just an apple branded s-video cable) into an s-video to commodore video cable!
What I did was solder the leads from the ADB cable to the leads of an RCA style cable. They both use the same Luma Chroma signals, so the system works flawlesly! All I have to do, is plug it in and set the computer to do dual screen with the TV out option!

This screen is not meant for high resolution displaying, but now when I play retro games, I can have the old feel of it. This will be great for if I ever get to stream N64 games to YouTube.

I am really excited that this works, and I hope you like it! I still have to put some sort of insulator on the cable, but it is working, which is exciting!

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