Weebly vs Blogger... Blogger wins!

I have recently moved my blog! It is totally new now, with only the same name. It is now on Blogger and I find that it is much more sleek. I used to be on Weebly, however I was finding it frustrating to make anything happen and I would have had to pay to have the domain name I bought put on the site (I was not impressed with that). I had used Blogger before but totally forgot about the experience, but when my fiancĂ© Lara started her blog LittleWingedBird.ca―a blog for those struggling (especially with mental health)―she used Blogger and found it to be great. I looked at it, found it to be great, and then I decided to make a switch.

Before I start, I am not bashing Weebly; my time with them was good, they have a great service, but I find Blogger to be much better for me personally.

Desktop Site: Winner Blogger

Weebly is made for general websites with a blog feature. Because of that, they have the whole thing geared to the users who want to make a website easily, and have it work. With that, you will find that even making a blog post feels like creating a new webpage each time. It is time consuming and is fairly frustrating to do.

Blogger is made for blogs; their blog posting setup is basically like making a word document and posting it. It also has features like labels, location, and a handy schedule feature that allows the post to be published for another date.

Mobile App: Winner Weebly

Weebly's mobile app is not actually that bad; it works well for viewing stats, keeping up with your viewers, but the blog posting feature is severely lacking in ease of use.

Bloggers mobile app is better for posting, but you can't view your stats.

Cost: Winner Blogger

Weebly is free but costs money if you want the full features that blogger has, like using a domain name you already own.

Blogger is free to have your own domain name, which is great for me since I already own one through another company. All their other features are free too and just as good as Weebly, if not better.

Getting Views: Winner Blogger

Weebly is alright for getting views; you can get them fairly easily by advertising in other sites.

Blogger is easy for getting views; I had more views in the first hour of using Blogger than I had the last day I used Weebly. Also, its hooked up to everything you use Google for, like my YouTube account, thus, I have recurring views due to that.


This is based mainly on my experience with the two sites, you can make your own conclusion, use the free features of both to find out for your self if you like.

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